Friday, February 27, 2015

Ratchet : Sidepiece - Pledging to the secret society (Part I)

Welcome , you have accepted your role as the side piece. Someone has decided that you offer something his/her mate does not. Understand that accepting this role, you attain a lot of power. With great power comes great responsibility. Let's take a look at the pledges you need to take to be a successful side piece.

The first and only rule of fightclub being a side piece is; you don't talk about being a side piece. The whole objective is having fun incognito.

1) Pledge to be discreet
Your relationship with the person has to be confidential. Strangers in public, best friends in the sheets should be your motto. You get to enjoy a lot of the perks of being in a relationship with out having to deal with the heavy parts of being in one. No one should know of your position, not even your friends, You are now apart of the " booty call Illuminati".

2) Pledge to control your feelings
Being a side piece isn't for everyone, if you seek a relationship, don't even attempt to try and play this role. You are there for the fun things,  not the relationship. This is a glorified booty call role. If you want much more stay away cause you will end up hurt. Stay off his/her social media,  seeing pics of the family can bring up unnecessary feelings.  Don't expect long text conversations, avoid any contact besides meet ups.

3) Pledge to Deny,  Deny, Deny
He/she is entrusting you with information that can harm his/her household,  if anyone finds out the relationship; you deny and leave doubt at all costs. It is important to keep your allegiance,  so deny and keep your secret with you to your death bed.

4) Pledge to seek your perks
Accept gifts,  do out the normal experiences,  get your perks,  it's simple,  your exclusiveness should be rewarded ,  accept monetary benefits , get your threesomes, quickies, swinger club life on, etc. Take a little advantage,  but not too much. Remember you offer what the main chick/dude does not offer, and more than likely it's a sexual taboo, they might actual appreciate you opening them up to these experiences.

5) Just in case
Have evidence,  just in case the person you are with ever gets rich it's time to cash in, ain't no money like hush money.  It's basically blackmail, but who cares? you have been a loyal sidepiece. You need to collect one day. So hook that camera up under that pile of laundry you folded but forgot to put away . It's an investment to protect your future.

Thanks for the read,  don't forget to share.

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