Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Has Social Media ruined our relationships Part 2


If you haven't,  please read Part 1 
Lauren describes the difference in how we communicate today as compared to when social media wasn't as prevalent in our everyday life.

I want to touch on the deceit that we see everyday and also how online interactions can bring insecurity within your partner.

To answer the question:

Yes, Yes and more Yes; social media breeds insecurities and brings to the forefront the lack of trust partners have for one another.  In a way, social media can be seen as a way for people to connect with others and leave opportunity open for infidelity within the relationship. Social media is ruining WEAK relationships.

Personally I have been on both ends of the spectrum, in a previous relationship I used social in an inappropriate way, I made my connection with others something more than it should have been and it came back and bit me. I am human and we all make mistakes but from that experience I have learned and from the moment I was burned by social media I started using it in the correct form. As Lauren stated in part 1,social media is "real but not real, fake but not fake".  Basically, it's difficult to decipher who is being genuine and who is not, or proceed with caution, and don't hold on to connections online like you would in person.

One way social media use to effect me;  my expectations for myself compared to others through what I see online was not realistic.  Social media can breed insecurities, When one sees another person their age on Instagram stunting, at times you wonder why aren't you living the life that someone your age is living? When one sees a celebrity women with perfect curves, you go out in the world looking for these women, but; yet they are no where to be found.  Well thank God I snapped out of it and realized the fronting,  the deceit behind a lot of these lifestyles.

Not to single anyone out ,but; the images you sometimes see are very false.  With my own eyes I have been to clubs and seen men take pictures with another person's empty champagne bottles in clubs.  Some of the same men you think are really living the life are a false images presented to trick you. ( mind blowing right,  lol)

Same story with women,  how many times on twitter have I seen a person retweet a picture with a woman with remarkable curves but if you look closely at the background of their pictures you see photoshop errors.  All to make you believe they appear to be something which they truly aren't.

This is just my experience,  to ignorant or naive people; they believe everything they see on social media,  I'm not here to stop the behavior. People are going to believe what they want to believe,  but; the level of falsity has grown with social media. Sometimes we see an image, we feel it's real and that is not the case. Social media is not real life. Images online can be edited or have false back stories.

We have to be careful of our interactions online, You can mess up a perfectly healthy relationship because;  you thought the grass was greener on the other side. This concept is not new to people, people leave each other for opportunity with others way before the internet was even a thought,  the problem with social media is it's too easy and available to get caught up. Instead of you having to make a real effort in life to find temptations,  it is now a finger swipe away.

I think the biggest elephant in the room when it comes to social media is the interactions between the opposite sex or threats to the relationship.

Fellas, liking the pictures and leaving comment on provocative pictures of these models with amazing bodies  when your girl is not in a similar mold can make her believe that you desire a woman other than her. Coming from the male point of view: it's just a like, It doesn't mean I want to pursue the woman. Your lady sees it as ; it's you mentally f#$king the woman or you leaving these likes and comments to get into contact with her so you can cheat with her. Last thing you want to do is make your woman insecure and jealous about another woman, they will do the same or worst to you: trust me.

Ladies, that new male friend you met online, if given the opportunity,  will insert his penis in one of your God given holes. If your man warns you, that man doesn't want to be just your friend, I suggest you leave him alone. To you; he is just a friend and you control when sex happens and you don't want to have sex because; your man is handling that. To your man,  if for some reason you two fall out, you are going to run into his arms and potentially give him some box.  The excuse will be "you were at a weak point", basically; you keeping this friendship is your man allowing you to keep your rebound penis around.

Everything is so accessible in today's world, It takes strong minded individuals to be faithful in a relationship. Yes, social media causes trouble to relationships,  but; like any temptation it takes will power to turn it down. Remember that what may seem true and intriguing can all be a disguise to temp you,  people are using bait,  if you are going to get caught by the bait at least let it be real.  It would be sad for you to leave a good situation and end of finding out that the new person is a fake. Also, be mindful of your partner's feelings,  don't do things that can bring a feeling of insecurity within your partner,  Sometimes people cheat and pick up back up options because; they feel they are on the way out of their current relationship due to insecurity.

Have a wonderful day



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